Interactive Activities

One of the first things to look for in a community plan is the amount of interactive activities. What has the organization planned to facilitate


Richard Millington is a frequent speaker at online community, online marketing, social media, and internet events around the world. In the past five years, Richard

Smart Growth In Online Communities

You can grow too fast. If you’re just getting started and trying to build the base, you might miss a key step. If you only

The Extra Mile

You can go the extra mile, If you know lots of members are attending the same event, you can arrange meet-ups between them. You can

Data Secrets

I stole this graph from this paper. It’s a good data set. Let’s figure out what’s happening here:  Looking at the data above, what do

Reading Lists And Generating Activity

Book clubs have been a staple of traditional communities for generations. These can be used for online communities too. Ask members to put together a

We Like Routines In Our Communities

I work most mornings from a café just down the road. Most of our clients have met me there at least once.  I can predict,

Types Of Community And Activity Within The Community

The type of community changes what happens in the community. A common mistake is not to align what happens in the community with its type.

The Endurance Of Niche Social Networks

I don’t think we should be fascinated by the rise of niche social networks. I think we should be fascinated by the endurance of niche social

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