Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

The Genius Of Kotex’s Community

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

Periods, boys, whatever…

That’s how Kotex advertises their community.

Take a look at this thread (don’t be squeamish guys). How does Kotex benefit from this? Their products aren’t being mentioned at all.

There are many myths we need to challenge. The biggest, for organizations, is that the community has to be about what your products/services. It doesn’t. Unless you’re running a customer support community, your community should be about the benefit or topic of your products/services. This also means members of your community don’t need to talk about your products and services for you to benefit.

There’s a big difference between building a community for girls to talk about tampons and a community to talk about periods. The genius of Kotex’s community is they created it specifically for girls to talk about the single biggest issues they care about at that age (their bodies, boys and, you know, whatever…)

They’re forging a genuine community around their brand without their brand ever being mentioned. But who do think these girls will buy their tampons from?

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