Over-Reliance And Diversification

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Attracting The Key People To Join Your Community

Some people believe if they get the influencer, CEO, MD, star player, or expert participating in their community, everyone else will join too. They might

Increasing The Number Of ‘Useful’ Discussions

If you want to increase the number of useful discussions, increase the number of non-useful discussions.  Look at this image: From a conveying useful information

Cultivating Communities From Your Audience

An audience is a group of people brought together by a common interest.  The difference between an audience and a community is relationships. Community members

Between Open and Closed Communities

Sometimes we oversimplify this choice. It’s not just between an open community, where everyone can see anything, and a closed community, where you have to

Things To Think About For Internal Buy-In

“How do I get buy-in for my community?” A variant of this question comes up at every speaking event. It’s difficult to answer. It varies

Participating In Your Own Community

The aloof god-like figure is archaic.  I attended an internal training session for organizations participating in online communities last year. It included gems such as;

The Opportunities And Dangers In Our Existing Habits

Imagine you have a successful mailing list/newsgroup. People subscribe once to whichever groups they like and then receive e-mails when someone posts to the group.

What Happens When You Get The Concept Right

You need to get the concept right. It’s tough to build an online community for travellers, even backpackers. There are so many existing communities. You

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