How Many Members Do You Need To Build A Million Dollar Online Community?

Most of us believe we need thousands, maybe millions, of members to have a really valuable community.

Even those that don’t dream of making their community bigger and having more active members.

This is usually because we believe three things:

More members makes the community better.
Getting more members is a good use of time/resources.
Getting more members improves the value of the community.
There is a grain of truth here. If you’re just getting your community started, you definitely want to grow quickly to reach critical mass.

But once you’ve reached critical mass, adding more members doesn’t help you build a million dollar community. What does help is getting the best out of the members you do have.

Building A World Class Community Management Team: A System for Benchmarking Online Community Skills And Abilities

Imagine you decided to move into sales and on your first day, someone handed you a list of the organization’s top customers and responsibility for the entire CRM system.

No training, no support, no roadmap.

This is pretty close to what happens in community management today. Most people are suddenly handed responsibility for building a community from an organization’s top customers on an advanced technology platform.

Often they have limited training, support, or a detailed roadmap.

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