Most People Didn’t Get The Message

When we first launched our community management course back in 2011, we sent out a series of messages with advice and appeals to sign up.

How To Influence People To Do What You Want

Back in 1958, Herbert Kelman discovered tweaking the source of a message changed how an audience reacted to it. When the audience felt the source

Keeping ‘The Ask’ Small And The Reward Surprising

If you’re asking the audience to do something new, something that feels too much like additional work, where the pay-offs are unclear (or uncertain), and

Turn Top Discussions Into Definitive Resources (and close the golden loop)

The golden loop works like this. A newcomer has a problem. This triggers her to find the solution. She searches for the problem and finds

Solving Problems Or Seizing Opportunities?

You know what you’re going to get on customer service forums. Someone will post a problem, someone else might post a solution. If you have

Why They Didn’t Participate When They Said They Would

At least once a week we hear a variation of this story: “When I spoke to the group about my engagement idea, they said they

Invite Members To Follow Each Other

You might ask your audience to follow you on multiple social platforms. The goal, I suppose, is to have another channel to distribute information and

The Psychology Of Typo Spotters, Grammar Police And Other Nitpickers

Typo spotters are the bane of any author’s existence. I’m sure you’ve received at least a few messages highlighting typos, grammar mistakes, or nitpicking at

Do You Send Out Emails To Your Community Like This?

2 years ago I worked with a very capable, personable, and friendly community manager. Let’s call her Sarah. Sarah wasn’t an expert in her field,

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