The Nagging Problem

Over time, you get a gut feeling for what’s likely to be a major problem.  A platform that takes months to develop, the lack of

The 15 Minute Window To Convert Newcomers

People make a decision to join a community quite quickly. They hear about the community, browse a few posts, see something they want to participate

Speaking At ForumCon, San Francisco – June 19th

I’m very happy to announce I’ll be speaking at ForumCon in San Francisco on June 19th.  ForumCon attracts up to 500 forum experts/community managers to share

Strategic Priorities

We usually tackle the priorities in this order: 1) Internal issues. We tackled these first. They undermine everything else. This covers lack of buy-in, resources,

Why Is Today Not Your Community’s Busiest Day Ever?

Think about that question. Why is today not the most active today in your community's history?  If it's the weekend, that's ok. People tend to

Diagnosing A Community Idea

Virgin America’s new social network will fail (like all of these).  Study the idea:  This partnership allows flyers to take advantage of those serendipitous travel


We’ve all heard stories, sometimes myth, sometimes real, about an event that changed the future. Events have the capacity to do that. Events have the

Negative Voting And Attribution Bias

If you allow members to vote a comment up, it may encourage further contributions. It may also allow the best material to rise to the

6 Questions For Internal Knowledge Sharing Communities

We begin with interviews. We interview as many people as we can. We put together the common findings into a survey format. Then we invite

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