Online Community FAQ

You can now read FeverBee’s Online Community FAQ featuring some of the most common questions from the last few months. It includes some basics, some

FeverBee’s Online Community FAQ

What is an online community? An online community is a group of people who have developed relationships around a strong common interest. Why do people

3 Perfectly Acceptable Ways To Invite Someone To Join Your Community

You can’t mass-invite people to join your community. That’s spam. It’s ineffective and does more harm than good. Do you want a deleted e-mail to

They Already Do It (Or Want To)

Your community should make it possible for people to do what they want to do. Or easier to do what they already are doing. Communities

Use Hashtags To Grow Your Community

The first is to create a hashtag for your community. Deliberately create and spread a hashtag members in your community use. It helps Twitter newcomers

One Quarter Of A Fulltime Staff Person

“80.8% [of non-profits] allocate at least one quarter of a fulltime staff person to social networking.” Hardly any non-profits have anyone dedicated to growing and

Increase Participation By Losing Control

You can directly trade control with participation. If you want to increase someone’s participation, give them more control. If I wanted you to participate more

Don’t Compete With Your Own Fans

Don’t compete with your own fans, it’s stupid. Digitas created this group for their Flickr Vauxhall Astra campaign. To date, it’s attracted 11 members. They

Can You Be Sued?

Yes. If you moderate any comments or information in your community, you are a publisher of information. Publishers have responsibilities. Despite your terms and conditions,

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