Tip Of The Iceberg

The tip of the iceberg is the visible part of your community. It’s the forums, blogs, pictures, videos and content that you can see. It’s

Community Consultant or Builder?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]There are two types of community work. The first is consulting. This is the ability to identify what the community wants, what resources the company

Membership Fees

Charging a community membership fee is a unique boundary. It scares 99% of people away. But that committed 1% might be just what you need.

Change A Condition

The top architects live in the Netherlands. They like the flexible building regulations. These top architects create the best architecture, which attracts more great architects.

How To Check Your Community Builder Is Doing As Promised

It’s easy to condemn metrics, ROI and objectives (fun too). But we risk opening the door for less scrupulous community professionals to sneak in. They

How Many Times Can You Fail To Build A Community?

Lots. You can fail to build a community within a month. Just be thankful you didn’t spend a year, going door to door, to learn

Big Announcements

Many big companies make grand announcements for their online communities months in advance. It’s going to be great, they say. Everyone will join. This is

Spend Less Time On Content

Content is grossly overrated. Spend as little time writing content as possible. It’s a deadly distraction. Every minute you spend writing an article is a

A Faith Challenge

Building a community isn’t making people do what your company wants, it’s your company doing things they want. This is also a faith challenge. Put

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