Community Strategy Insights

The latest insights on community strategy, technology, and value by FeverBee’s founder, Richard Millington

Your Biggest Community Problem

Richard Millington
Richard Millington

Founder of FeverBee

We're inviting you to our Community Management Masterclass on March 9th. 

Judging by the registered attendees so far, it's going to be a group of terrific community professionals. It's also a good mix of non-profits, internal community specialists, and external community managers. 

One of our goals is to tackle your biggest problems. Not just tackle the problems, but to master the process for identifying, prioritising, and tackling the problems in your community.

Many organizations complain about something relatively minor. There might be a member posting too frequently or driving away newcomers.

When we look at the conversion funnel, we might find that most members drop out after their first contribution…or after the second week…or fail to complete the registration process. When we fix these, the numbers increase significantly. 

For mature communities, understanding what to work on next, mastering the social sciences to tackle the problems, and being able to measure results is critical. If you can master this skill, it makes it easier to put together a comprehensive community strategy.

If you want to join us in London on March 9th, please sign up.

We would love to meet you. 

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